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(Video) Berlin Conference Emphasizes Backing Iranian Resistance Amid Escalating Middle East Discord

On April 25, a conference was held in Berlin, The meeting delved into the Iranian regime’s terrorism, its demonization campaign against the (NCRI) and the need to expand the activities in Germany to support a free, democratic, and non-nuclear republic of Iran.

Prof. Alejo Vidal-Quadras, former Vice President of the European Parliament took part as a special guest and shared his experience as a survivor of Tehran’s terror machine and a long-time subject of the regime’s demonization campaign against the Iranian Resistance.

In a video message addressing the conference, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the NCRI, commended the bravery and steadfastness of Dr. Vidal-Quadras, portraying the regime’s attempt to assassinate him as emblematic of its true nature.

Michael Meister, MP expressed alarm at the staggering number of executions in Iran, averaging seven lives lost per day, and emphasized the human rights abuses perpetrated by the regime. He echoed previous calls for designating the (IRGC) as a terrorist organization.

MP Christoph de Vries stressed that peace in the Middle East remains elusive as long as the current regime in Iran persists, citing recent attacks on Israel as evidence of the regime’s destabilizing actions beyond its borders.

Michael Meister, recalled his initial encounter with Mrs. Rajavi in Berlin, recognizing the significant progress made by resistance against the Iranian regime.

Mrs. Rajavi emphasized, "That the time for regime change is now more ripe than ever, asserting the capability of the Iranian Resistance and the Iranian people to bring about such change."
PARIS, FRANCE, April 29, 2024 / -- The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) Foreign Affairs Committee in an article reported that on April 25, a conference was held in the German capital, Berlin, titled “Solving the Iran Crisis:

Advocating for Democratic Solutions.” Moderated by Christian Muller, a representative of the German Federal Parliament, the meeting delved into critical discussions on the Iranian regime’s terrorism, its demonization campaign against the National Council of Resistance Iran (NCRI), its human rights violations, and the need to expand the activities in Germany in supporting the Iranian people’s quest for a free, democratic and non-nuclear republic of Iran.

Professor Alejo Vidal-Quadras, former Vice President of the European Parliament and a co-founder of the Committee on International Search for Justice took part as a special guest and shared his experience as a survivor of Tehran’s terror machine and a long-time subject of the regime’s demonization campaign against the Iranian Resistance.

The gathering, graced by various members of the Bundestag (German Federal Parliament) and esteemed personalities like Mr. Peter Altmaier, former Minister of Economics and senior advisor to Chancellor Angela Merkel, lauded the principled stance and valor of Professor Vidal-Quadras.

In a video message addressing the conference, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the NCRI, commended the bravery and steadfastness of Dr. Vidal-Quadras, portraying the regime’s attempt to assassinate him as emblematic of its true nature.

Amid growing internal dissent and fear of popular uprisings, Mrs. Rajavi contended that the regime had intensified its repressive measures, including a surge in executions and suppression of women in public spaces.

In the context of regional conflicts, Mrs. Rajavi pointed to the regime’s direct involvement in warfare, particularly citing recent events on April 13 as evidence of its aggressive stance. She asserted that Supreme Leader Khamenei benefits from the turmoil and suffering caused by the regime’s actions, positioning Tehran as the primary instigator of conflict and terrorism in the region.

In her address, the NCRI President-elect strongly criticized the policy of appeasement towards the Iranian regime, particularly regarding its two key elements: turning a blind eye to the regime’s oppression of its people and its acts of terrorism and warmongering abroad, and actively siding with the regime to thwart any prospects of democratic change in Iran.

She emphasized that the time for regime change is now more ripe than ever, asserting the capability of the Iranian Resistance and the Iranian people to bring about such change.

Mrs. Rajavi urged members of the Bundestag to take decisive action by promoting initiatives to:
1. Officially designate the IRGC as a terrorist entity.
2. Declare the Iranian regime as a threat to world peace and security under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter.
3. Activate the snapback mechanism in UN Security Council Resolution 2231.
4. Recognize the Iranian people’s legitimate struggle to overthrow the mullahs’ regime.

In his speech, MP Carsten Müller condemned the Iranian regime’s attacks on Israel and the alarming rate of executions within Iran, which often go unnoticed by the international community. He called for decisive action, including labeling the Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist organization, to hold the regime accountable for its atrocities.

Asserting solidarity with the Iranian people’s aspirations for freedom, MP Müller emphasized the importance of supporting the opposition’s efforts to bring about meaningful change from within. He highlighted recent resolutions from the US Congress in support of a free and democratic Iran as a significant step forward.

Professor Alejo Vidal-Quadras delivered a compelling speech advocating for a significant shift in Western policy towards Iran. Addressing the German MPs and human rights activists present, he highlighted the ineffectiveness of the policy of appeasement towards the Iranian regime, stressing the urgent need for regime change in Iran.

The former Vice President of the European Parliament praised the Iranian opposition, particularly the NCRI and the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), as crucial agents for democratic transformation in Iran. He also emphasized the oppressive nature of the Iranian regime, citing its history of human rights abuses and terrorist activities.

Furthermore, the ISJ co-founder underscored the potential for a democratic Iran to positively impact global geopolitics and emphasized the importance of active engagement in advocating for change. He called on politicians to dedicate time and resources to advancing the cause of democracy and human rights in Iran, emphasizing the potential for a democratic Iran to contribute to a better world.

Former German Minister of Economy and senior advisor to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Peter Altmaier, expressed his support for the Iranian community in Germany and their struggle for freedom in Iran. He acknowledged the enthusiasm and commitment of Iranians in Europe and emphasized the importance of their cause for both Iranians and Germans.

Mr. Altmaier praised the Ten-Point Plan proposed by Mrs. Rajavi, describing it as a document aligned with universal principles of democracy and human dignity. He also expressed his understanding that among the Iranian diaspora, the NCRI enjoys the largest base of support from Iranians living in Europe and the United States.

Altmaier highlighted the need for broader public awareness of the human rights abuses perpetrated by the Iranian regime and suggested strategies for achieving this, including leveraging social media to showcase the faces and stories of Iranian victims. He encouraged engagement with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and academic institutions to raise awareness and build support for the Iranian cause.

Altmaier also discussed the growing international recognition of the Iranian regime’s support for terrorism and its nuclear ambitions. He emphasized the need for a united front against the regime’s oppressive tactics and called for increased international pressure to address human rights violations in Iran.

German MP Michael Meister reflected on his two-decade involvement with the Iranian resistance, underscoring the need for determination and perseverance in fighting the Iranian regime.

He recalled his initial encounter with Mrs. Rajavi in Berlin, recognizing the significant progress made in advancing the resistance against the Iranian regime.

Acknowledging the evolving nature of the regime’s atrocities, MP Meister stressed the dual threat posed by its internal repression and external aggression.

He expressed alarm at the staggering number of executions in Iran, averaging seven lives lost per day, and emphasized the broader context of human rights abuses perpetrated by the regime. He echoed previous calls for designating the Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist organization, both domestically and internationally, to curb its destabilizing influence.

The German MP argued that economic pressure remains essential in exerting leverage and compelling political change in Iran. In the end, Mr. Meister reiterated his long-standing commitment to the cause of the Iranian Resistance and expressed hope for eventual success in enabling the Iranian people to determine their future.

MP Christoph de Vries stressed that peace in the Middle East remains elusive as long as the current regime in Iran persists, citing recent attacks on Israel as evidence of the regime’s destabilizing actions beyond its borders.

He emphasized the imperative of preventing the regime from acquiring nuclear weapons, citing intelligence reports indicating an imminent threat. Rejecting the policy of appeasement, MP De Vries affirmed his party’s commitment to taking concrete action.

He referenced several motions introduced in the Bundestag aimed at countering the regime’s influence, including listing the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization across Europe. Additionally, he called for restrictions on trade with Iran, highlighting the need to weaken the regime while supporting the Iranian people’s resistance.

The German legislator also addressed the issue of the Islamic Center in Hamburg, urging its closure due to its links to the Iranian regime and its involvement in supporting terrorist activities.

Martin Patzelt, a former member of the German Bundestag, expressed his commitment to supporting the cause of freedom and human rights in Iran during the gathering.

He also emphasized his long-standing engagement with the issue of Iran, having served for eight years on the Human Rights Committee of the Bundestag, where he closely monitored developments in the country. Mr. Patzelt highlighted the need to discern truth from misinformation perpetuated by the Iranian regime, which seeks to undermine the efforts of the Iranian resistance.

Drawing on his experiences, including visits to Ashraf 3 in Albania and engagement with the NCRI, Patzelt affirmed his belief in the council as a viable alternative for a free Iran. He commended their organizational prowess and their commitment to democratic values within a Muslim society.

Acknowledging the challenges posed by the Iranian regime’s repression and economic hardships, he emphasized the importance of collective action involving political leaders, civil society, and religious institutions in advancing the cause of human rights and democracy.

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Prof. Alejo Vidal-Quadras, former Vice President of the European Parliament took part as a special guest and shared his experience as a survivor of Tehran’s terror machine and a long-time subject of the regime’s demonization campaign against the Iranian Resistance.

In a video message addressing the conference, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the NCRI, commended the bravery and steadfastness of Dr. Vidal-Quadras, portraying the regime’s attempt to assassinate him as emblematic of its true nature.

Michael Meister, MP expressed alarm at the staggering number of executions in Iran, averaging seven lives lost per day, and emphasized the human rights abuses perpetrated by the regime. He echoed previous calls for designating the (IRGC) as a terrorist organization.

MP Christoph de Vries stressed that peace in the Middle East remains elusive as long as the current regime in Iran persists, citing recent attacks on Israel as evidence of the regime’s destabilizing actions beyond its borders.

Mrs. Rajavi said, "The regime had intensified its repressive measures, including a surge in executions and suppression of women in public spaces."

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Distribution channels: Human Rights, International Organizations, Politics, U.S. Politics, World & Regional